Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Narrative Jawn

Writing Obejective:
Write what would be your final sentence if it was your last day on earth. Write the last words you would want to be remembered by.

A bottle or jar; small pieces of paper; pencils or pens

Write your final sentence and put it in the bottle/jar. Pass the bottle to another table, then take out the papers from the other table & put their papers in it repeat this procedure until every students paper is in the bottle. Final read them and identify the person by their letter.

Student Outcome:
Write and read someone's last sentences.

Reading Objective:
Have your last sentence read by someone els and read someone's last sentence as well and identify them.

A bottle or jar; small pieces of paper; pencils or pens

Write your final sentence and put it in the bottle/jar. Pass the bottle to another table, then take out the papers from the other table & put their papers in it repeat this procedure until every students paper is in the bottle. Final read them and identify the person by their letter.

Student Outcome:
Write and read someone's last sentences.

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